Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cheap Thrills - The Plan of Attack

This is the second post of a series on cheap fashion, Cheap Thrills- The Plan of Attack.  The following posts will continue in showing you how I find good deals-- it's a long read so I split it up over a few posts.  I'll also later detail some of my most triumphant steals.

I consider myself pretty good at shopping.  I really enjoy it-- I'm not one of those people who finds it hard to shop because I can't find anything that fits, I can't find what I'm looking for, everything I like is too expensive, etc.  I think this is because I've figured out how to shop in a way that fits my personal style, budget and lifestyle.  I'm young and fairly adventurous with my style, and I have little money.  This has resulted in my closet being mostly composed of a larger quantity of less expensive and more trendy clothing.  It's a personal style thing, further detailed in the first post in this series.  One of the things I've gotten really good at is getting items at prices I think are rather fabulous-- these days, I generally do not spend more than $20 on an item, and I do not thrift (often).  I've learned a few tricks about how to get awesome deals on things-- read on, dear reader to find out what I think is important to scoring (on fashion, that is).  First thing's first-- create a plan of action (and then maybe don't follow it).

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Cheap Thrills - Quality VS Quantity: The Great Debate

This is the first post of a series on cheap fashion, Cheap Thrills- Quality VS Quantity: The Great Debate.  The following posts will detail some of my most triumphant steals as well as tips on how to score your own awesome deals.

One of the things I see most often on fashion and style blogs is the mantra quality over quantity.  Bloggers and fashion gurus urge us to buy classic, quality pieces that cost more, but that we will use repeatedly for decades to come.  To be honest, it's not much of a debate, since everyone agrees this is the way to approach shopping.

Except me!  I think a lot about my shopping habits, how much the pieces in my closet cost, where I buy them from, and how the way I shop flies in the face of that familiar adage.  Wait for it-- I do not think that quality over quantity is for everyone.

image (c) pieterbeen @ sxc.hu

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