Thursday, August 21, 2014

Daily Dose: Short Stories

I don't know how all these fashion bloggers take such fantastic outside photos. Take today, for example-- I didn't even wear a photo-worthy outfit, because I knew it was going to rain, and I knew I was going to get very wet. So I give you this very underexposed indoor photo from sometime in the past:

Monday, August 18, 2014

Daily Dose: Sweetheart

It's been a long time, blog. I've missed you.

For a while there, I-- gasp-- stopped caring about dressing up nicely. I was having some trouble career-wise, and it was seeping into what originally was an escape from work. I was sad. My clothes were sad. (There were lots of fancy sweatpants involved.)

About a month and a half ago though, I managed to make a switch in my career specialty and have since incredulously watched as my desire to take photos of myself returned! I still wear the fancy sweatpants a lot though. (No regrets.)


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