Sunday, August 26, 2012

Daily Dose: Blue suede shoes

So I think suede shoes are supposed to be fall and winter appropriate.  However, I'm not sure in which fall and winter that would be true.  Canadian winters are (in my neck of the woods) rather wet, cold and full of snow.  Suede + snow = not a good idea.  This does not stop Canadian shoe stores from being full of suede boots however.  I try to keep my suede/microfibre shoes to a minimum as I'm scared to wear the things outside, but sometimes there are just those pairs that I think are too good to pass up.

I've worn this skirt a million times since I bought it.  I guess it would be categorized as a 'tulip skirt', where there are pleats or gathers on the front.  This probably exaggerates my hips as a pear-ish shaped person, but I don't care.  I love this skirt.  I also love this blazer and have maybe worn it a million and one times.  It seems like it would have too much going on, with the poofy shoulder, the pleats at the torso and the leopard-print lining, but all together it just works.  It's a great neutral blazer with a great pop at the sleeves with the leopard.

I thought these tights were going to be a lovely opaque sky blue so I was a bit disappointed initially that they were a bit sheer.  But after wearing them for a bit, I really like the look!  Not as useful for the aforementioned Canadian winters, but cute, so who cares?

And so we come to the the blue suede shoes of the title.  They don't look like much above, but I assure you they are quite fabulous.  They're one of those pieces that gets compliments, and I like how they add a pop of colour to any outfit.

Tank - Smart Set - size S - ~$2.50
Skirt - Urban Behaviour - size XS - ~$15
Blazer - H&M - size 2 - ~$15
Tights - Joe Fresh via Superstore - size B - ~$1.50
Booties - FeetFirst - size 6 - ~$20


  1. haha. how funny that we have the same post title! cute blazer! i like the lining.

    1. I know! But seriously, how can you have blue suede shoes in a post and not name it that? xD

      Thanks! <3

  2. Hi. I just discovered your blog and LOVE it! I am your newest follower.

    1. Thank you so much! Definitely going to check out your blog right now!

  3. Does your blazer have leopard print lining?? Awesome!

    1. It does indeed! I didn't figure out rolling up sleeves to show the lining until about a year after I bought the blazer lol.

  4. pretty!

    xo Jennifer

  5. Thanks! I'm looking at your blog right now! I'll follow on bloglovin!



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