Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The title should actually be directed towards me, as I am allllllmost there -- just hang in there vitaminJ, you'll be done soon!  (The seriousness of this situation dictates that I use my blogger/rapper name.)

What will I be done with?  MEDICAL SCHOOL.  There's been so much stuff to take care of as I near the end of this slog that I haven't been able to post much.  I have a write-up on how to wear pastels in-progress that I keep opening up, staring at and then closing again.  I have been taking outfit photos though, and I have actually been drawing my outfits as well (OMG).  I've been having trouble figuring out a good time-efficient way to draw things for the blog, but I think I've got it!

Essentially, I just wanted to let everyone know that I plan to be back with some great new posts (+ drawings!) very soon, and to also give some insight into whats been up with me lately.

See you all very soon,

1 comment:

  1. hello, i nominated you for a versatile blog award, check it out here




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