Monday, August 13, 2012

Daily Dose: It's a Man's World

When you can't find the perfect over-sized white button down shirt, the solution is always to steal one from your brother.  You don't have a brother?  That's OK.  Steal one from someone else's brother.

My brother discarded this particular dress shirt with disgust for a reason I don't quite remember.  He gets a lot of shirts tailor made from India, and the process goes something like this:

1) Describe desired item to cousin who resides in India.
2) Hope for the best.

In this case, it didn't work out for him, but I decided to give the shirt a try.  The torso's actually not too bad, as my brother is super skinny, but the arms were horrendous.  Rolled up however, they look pretty decent!

I love these liquid leggings to death.  So much so that my mother actually told me to stop wearing them so I wouldn't put holes in them.  I like how they add an edge to anything they're paired with.  And unlike how I imagine leather pants to feel like, they're not stiff in the least and are fairly breathable.  I decided to punch this outfit up a bit with some red microfiber wedges and I feel like the overall look is a little bit classic and a little bit rock n' roll.

You may ask what happened to illustrating my outfit posts.  Fear not!  I will continue to illustrate posts, but I found that it was taking me too much time, and I wasn't posting often enough for my liking.  All my photos were piling up!  So I'll try photos for a while, with some illustrations thrown in.

Shirt - tailor made in India, stolen from younger brother - technically free for me
Leggings - Suzy Shier - size S - $7.50
Belt - Aldo - size S - $5.99 
Wedges - Call it Spring - size 7 - $25

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